Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hi everyone!  It's 9 days since I came apart during the bike ride, 7 days since the by-pass operation, and 3 days since I came home from South Austin Hospital.  As you can see, I'm at least superficially back to normal and messing around on the computer as usual.  Later, Alvin

Sunday, August 22, 2010

First morning at home...

(post by Mae) Al will get around to posting an update himself soon...he's reading his emails right now...
He's doing very well...went for a stroll around the garden, did some exercises, and has not needed strong pain meds so far.... I'll sneak a picture of him soon...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm Home!

The hospital was great, but home is even better!  What a relief!!!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Post Op Day 2

Hello!  Another post from Mae:  Al is doing very well, went for his first stroll this morning.  He'll probably be in this unit for another day.  He's going to be up in the chair most of the time, and walking again this afternoon.  It's a long road ahead, and he knows that...but bit, by bit, we'll get there.

Since Al will not be at work for several weeks, private communications to Al should be addressed to this email address:  


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

On The Mend!

This is the only picture I could take of the patient! I promise it's really him, and since I'm his wife and can pretty much read his every thought, I can guarantee that that's exactly what he was thinking! 

Thanks to everyone for all the emails and messages, which I have been relaying to the curmudgeony patient when he's not snoozing.  We know many of you want to send flowers or baskets - we thank you, but kindly ask that you don't, since there is rarely space in a hospital setting, and they end up being an added burden of transport and care.  Some floors do not allow flowers anyway, and we wouldn't want them to go to waste.  

He'll enjoy reading messages from you, so please post as many as you want, and I'll make sure he sees this page at least once a day, and hopefully, he'll post a couple of messages himself soon, but don't be too disappointed if he does not respond right away.

Quick summary of last couple of days:
Al had severe shortness of breath while biking on Sunday morning.  He never had a full blown heart attack, but when his breathing and heart rate did not improve, we went to a nearby clinic and had things checked out.  An EKG revealed that something was wrong, and he was rushed to hospital.  Medication stabilized the heart rate and further tests revealed coronary blockages.  On Tuesday, he underwent bypass surgery.  Did great - no complications whatsoever...he's currently still in the Cardiac ICU, and the recouperation process is going very well.  Currently sitting up and getting ready for a bunch of tubes and things to be removed...and hoping that I don't take any more pictures.  He'll probably go to regular room later this afternoon.  